
Trade is Worship

More than 14 centuries ago, Muhammad before reaching the level of apostolate, has been recognized as a respected young businessman. To arrive at that level, not the easy road. As many entrepreneurs complain, Muhammad did not have enough capital. Never mind the capital, he was just a simple life and ride her uncle's house.

But trade is worship. The actual capital is honesty and fairness in the transaction. These principles run Muhammad and is now widely adopted by such country of Singapore.

The key to successful trading lies in the principle lies in the attitude of honest and fair in the conduct of trade relations with its customers. This should show when it became to the customer. In the travel trade will have unexpected gains. Honesty is the spearhead of everything and to maintain good relations, the friendliness of its customers and trading partners are always upheld.

Traders are not honest, even if for a moment to benefit a lot, but eventually will fail in his profession wrestle. Trade practices which contain elements of fraud, usury, gambling, uncertainty and doubt, exploitation, excessive profit-making and the black market is strictly prohibited.

Good attitude in trade

In trade matters, always be polite and kind and friendly to customers. Because of friendliness and courtesy will support the method of selling merchandise to customers. Let me even people just passing by, but due to a sense of courtesy and friendliness of the end the customer will feel interested in buying merchandise.

 "Avoid a lot of swearing when conducting commercial transactions, because it can generate rapid sales, and eliminate a blessing."

In general, people use perjury would experience a terrible loss because they are not proven by anything he says. Once customers deceived then for the next customer will be far away and will spread the falsehood that done.

The rights group in the transaction
In the process of exchange of goods with the consent of both parties, there is often a conflict. To avoid this, how the transaction should occur. "Both groups in the trade transaction has the right to cancel only to the extent they have not split up, except that security be difficult for the group to cancel."

The process of exchange of goods by both sides in the trade transaction has the right to cancel, as long as they are not separated. If they spoke the truth, explain things properly, then the transaction they will receive blessings. But if hiding something or lying, there will be a commotion or cancellation still not finished.

Practical tips trading

·          First, the seller can not lie and deceive the goods to be sold to the buyer.
·          Second, to customers who are unable to pay in cash should be given time to pay it off. If he truly can not afford to pay after the grace period that resignation, it must be sincere about.

·          Third, the seller should avoid the oath an exaggeration, let alone a false oath to deceive customers.

·          Fourth, only by mutual consent, or with a proposal and acceptance between the two sides, a form of transaction of goods will be perfect.

·          Fifth, the seller must correct the balance and measure.

·          Sixth, if there was an agreement between seller and buyer, the goods may not be offered again to another party.

·          Eighth, there is no commodity price may be limited. If the price is limited, then there is no trade and commercial enterprise, then the world will cease trading.

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